Immensely loved without hesitation, pause, fear of vulnerability, with no regard for ones self, and complete submission to all that is within you, chosen as priority above all else, save for God himself.. Fearlessly desired, hopelessly cherished, for no other reason than to demonstrate your hearts lifelong dream to have someone who loves you the same way......... I need to be special, significant, and deeply appreciated in front of all that's special to you at all times.. I NEED to be paid attention to, watched, observed, understood (without need for questions).. Knowing because you watched me..Considered as often as breath is breathed.. Please understand these words and perform in action.
Karlin J & Associates is a social impact consulting company focusing on supporting individuals, families, teams, programs, departments, and organizations. Positively impacting communities, holistically, through professional development, coaching, and systems alignment toward integration and systemic social improvement.