Integrating Systems to Impact Communities


Karlin J & Associates is a social impact consulting company focusing on supporting individuals, families, teams, programs, departments, and organizations. Positively impacting communities, holistically, through professional development, coaching, and systems alignment toward integration and systemic social improvement.

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Our Services

Whether you need to improve company culture, one-on-one wellness coaching, or want to bring a speaker to a meeting to help motivate your group, Karlin J & Associates has an array of services to help.

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Explore our best tips for exercising your mind, your cultural awareness, and learn how to integrate these systems on a larger scale.

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Our Vision

To build sustainable change in individual, interpersonal, organizational, and community systems


An Exceptional Service

“…such an awesome job presenting and facilitating thoughtful conversation. They loved you!..”- Michigan Department of Transportation (MDOT)