The Reframe

I'm. I'm. I'm. I'm a victim of circumstance, beneficiary of lust. I emerge strapped down to proceeding messages of failure. Hypothesized to die a slow and painful death. I wasn't given a choice in who and how I was cultivated... Trapped and delirious, angrily consumed by reality. I. I. I move forward with my eyes wide shut recreating an identity based on mediated acceptances, so appreciations and cues. I recreate myself to fit an idealized pseudo standard of perfection that turns out to be fleeting and failing.. I find myself inside myself remembering the power I left behind. The power to choose wisely, in spite of circumstantial evidence that proves otherwise... I'm. I'm. I'm a reframe. I see now that my existence was tied to who and how I saw myself. I choose now to shift my paradigm and call those thing that once were truths, to now be a fallacy. I am not a victim but an overcomer. I recreate as I cultivate my surroundings, transformatively changing myself. I'm a conquerer, never to be found again cascaded into a reality that doesn't fit. I survive to thrive and I lift as I climb. I am no longer externally defined nor extrinsically motivated. I'm a living ministry. Sharing and disseminating possibility. Forever mindful of the reframe, the reframe, the change in me...

Humanly overcome

Uncertain and Questionable