Choices Dictate Life

To live life abundantly is an attempt that we as human beings all make naturally. We desire to receive the most significant parts of life that it has to offer, but often confuse ourselves in the process of getting. Why is this? Why do we make our own lives more difficult by making choices that impede our progress?

It’s at the moments that we think we are making the best choices that we are indeed putting ourselves in predicaments that make things more difficult. Wouldn’t it just be easier to rely on God?

It is my belief that we are born with dreams, aspirations, desires, goals, innocence, the willingness to love and be loved, hope, ambition, fearlessness and fear combined. But at some point in life, those things are tarnished by reality. This reality may not be our own, but someone else’s reality over-imposed onto our own. We are set-up to be great, but circumstance and decision making constantly infringes upon our purposed end… be loved and to love unconditionally, which will then provide us with the happiness that we are born to feel.

We live life to smile, yet struggle to smile. We live life to dream, yet constantly appears the nightmares. We live life to love, yet unconsciously bombarded by unrelenting hate. Do we hate because we are too unwilling to be vulnerable?

Companionship, one of the deepest, most rewarding feelings in the world; to feel like our hearts are connected to someone so outside of us…so different…so opposite…so like us, so complex. However, because of fear and our unwillingness to be loved, we allow ourselves and the circumstances that we find ourselves in to dictate our reality. The reality that we can be loved if we just open up and allow ourselves to be realized. Know that it won’t be easy. It will most definitely hurt, most definitely scar, but it will be beautiful if you let it be.

You ever wonder why all the commandments in the bible? I say, its because if we follow them, choices and life would be sooo much easier to make and live. He puts it all out there for us so that our choices would not be so difficult and our lives so hard. Thus, the happiness and all the positive feelings that we are naturally to receive are waiting for us to be in a positive to have.

I just want to make someone feel the love that they were meant to feel. As many people as possible, I want them to feel the love of God through me. Yes…I am very scared and afraid of being used up completely, but it’s the smile that I want to see…with my eyes or not. I plan to feel it with my heart if my eyes don’t work anymore. Imperfections are the most exciting and perfect things about life. For Its those things that are remembered.
All you have to do is make me feel like its safe to let go and that you will take care of my feelings. I may not always communicate them well or say what’s necessary for me to say, but know that the love in my heart is pure…..pure….pure…..and the happiness that I will provide will exceed the sadness that I create for you. I promise…………

The human mind is magnificent as we all know. We are able to understand and interpret many of the world’s amazing things. Yet it is incapable of comprehending love. We attempt to categorize and simplify something beyond human understanding.

Unexpected Dream

Perfect Imperfections